Paper-inspired processes

Why is paper still a topic in 2019? End customers all know this - banks and insurers alike love sending paper. They continue to ask their customers to opt-out from receiving paper, promising instead that a customer can choose a fully digital alternative. The problem with that promise is that although well meant, it is not completely true. Read more
| by | Comments on the cover of Insurance CIO Outlook is featured as the Cover Story of the special edition of Insurance CIO Outlook: Top 10 Insurtech Companies in Europe 2018.The article titled “Taking Insurance Companies 100% online” sheds light on the digitalization challenges insurers face when dealing with their fragmented, modular infrastructures and siloed approach and the novel platform and ecosystem concept of Read more
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Traditional vs Digital Experience

Innovative technology is changing the way insurance companies continue to do business with customers. Consumers are looking for companies that have made the shift from paper to digital and are able to enhance the overall insurance purchase and management experience from start to finish. Read more
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